Justin's Notes

August 2024 Photos

Sep. 1, 2024

Most of my shooting this August consisted of trips to Portland as the summer came to an end, and a few shots at home with some nice daylight. Nothing to out of the ordinary, but still fun spots to shoot.

One fun thing... I realized about the second week of August that my presets in Lightroom for possibly a long time have had some funky settings going on. Although I still love the look of a lot of my photos, at some point the tint and vibrancy had been boosted quite a bit and were actually pretty noticeable in my color edits. I think now that I have noticed and fixed those settings, my edits still have those Fujifilm color vibes but are a lot more accurate color-wise than they used to be. It was a pretty frustrating revelation after months of editing with some whacked-out settings, but it's okay. I still love a ton of the photos I have taken this year, even if the colors are a little off at times. Live and learn.

Portland trains
Syd at dinner
Street scooter
Powell's sign
Powell's entrance at night
Luka morning naps
Home library
Relevant wall
Downtown Portland building
Portland MAX Train
Green alley car near Mississippi street
Pistils Nursery shopper
Syd at Pistils Nursery
Backyard dahlias
Syd at Afuri Ramen
Downtown Portland building on 3rd Street