Justin's Notes

Here I Am: The Story of Tim Hetherington, War Photographer

Alan Huffman

Dec. 12, 2023

Here I Am cover

Here I Am is simultaneously a biography of a war photographer and a story of war itself. While its main focus is on the life of Tim Hetherington and his vision as a journalist and artist, you also get transported into multiple wars following American platoons and/or rebel soldiers. Huffman does an incredible job capturing the darkness of war and conflict, while elevating the draw Hetherington had to tell people's stories. I can't explain to you how much I loved this book. It was inspiring, emotional and was just so enjoyable from a human level learning about another human.

First, thoughts on the war side of the book. I haven't experienced war. The vast majority of people in my life, both friends and family, have also not experienced war. I think it is safe to say that the vast majority of my consumption of war has been fictional re-tellings of true stories. By that I mean I really enjoy war movies. As I have gotten more into reading books about war, whether it's historical fiction or non-fiction, I have become a bit infatuated with it. The darkness war encapsulates really causes me to reflect on the life I have been blessed with, while also reminding me of the brokenness in our world. Similarly to Hetherington, I have found myself beginning to be drawn to the stories of soldiers and the people in war, not the war itself. While telling Hetherington's story, Huffman did an incredible job telling the stories of the people Hetherington interacted with. I loved that aspect of this book.

Now for the artistic side. Hetherington's drive and desire to tell the same story for years, in multiple different wars, has really challenged my views of my own photography. The beauty of Hetherington is that the story he wanted to tell meant more than any kind of accolade he could receive. His passion for what he felt needed to be said was more important than the outcome of any single photo. He wanted to understand why all these young soldiers and rebels were so drawn to war. That seeking influenced his entire artistic journey. I am someone who mostly sees my own photos as single pieces of work. I shoot an image primarily as an individual piece, not as part of a collective work. Hetherington's mindset has really challenged me to view all of the art I am creating as part of a bigger picture. As part of a story that I want people to see.

If you are a photographer, if you are drawn to stories of war, or if you are an artist looking to be inspired, I would recommend this book. Hetherington spent his life telling a story that he felt needed to be told, and I would recommend you take a look at his.